Long An’s renowned ancient pagoda is home to treasures dating back more than 200 years, presented by...
A ginger jar initially dismissed as “just another piece of blue-and-white pottery” turned out to be a...
GEORGE TOWN: Legends abound around Buddha relics, from beliefs that they are indestructible and guarded by powerful...
The Triad of Buddha Statues at Con Son Pagoda has been recognized as a unique National Treasure,...
The National Historical Museum will host a presentation dedicated to religious monuments of the Silk Road in...
The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam is showing an 18th-century Korean Buddha statue, its first showing of a Buddha...
In 1988, at the invitation of King Birendra, prime minister of Sri Lanka Ranasinghe Premadasa visited Lumbini,...
GEORGE TOWN, June 26 — The discovery of a Buddha statue, dating back to the eighth or...
The restoration of the 100-year-old Buddhist Vihara in Wat Damnak is a significant endeavor to preserve this...