According to him it is a historic event in which the holy relics were handed over to him in the presence of the Buddhist monks by Mr Gagan Malik, Bollywood actor and President of Gagan Malik Foundation
Nagarjunasagar/Hyderabad/Nalgonda: Holy relics of the Buddha and eight Arhants
(desciples of the Buddha) are enshrined in the Mahastupa amidst the chantings of Triratna at Buddhavanam, a world class Buddhist Heritage Theme park developed by the Government of Telangana at Nagarjunasagar, Nalgonda district in Telangana State on Sunday says Mallepalli Laxmaiah, Special Officer, Buddhavanam Project.
According to him it is a historic event in which the holy relics were handed over to him in the presence of the Buddhist monks by Mr Gagan Malik, Bollywood actor and President of Gagan Malik Foundation at the entrance Plaza from where the relics kept in a miniature shrine designed like an Indonesian Pagoda are carried in a specially designed palanquin upto the Mahastupa in a ceremonial procession led by the monks. He says that the enshrinement and consecration ceremony was conducted as per the Mahayana Buddhist tradition under the guidance of Ven. Dr.Phra Ajahn Vician,Abbot from Thai monastery,Rajgir.
The Special Officer adds that the sacred relics offered by Mr. Gagan Malik, to Buddhavanam Project, were received from the Indonesian Buddhist Sangam and Lay Buddhists, which were originally received from the Myanmar Government by Cambodian Sangharaja during the Buddha Pooja Mahotsav held in Indonesia from 13th to 15th November 2009. From out of those Relics, some were offered to Mr. Gagan Malik, President, Gangan Malik Foundation, the details of the sacred Relics of the Buddha and 8 Arahants are given below: –
The Buddha Relics include-
1. Jasmine Red blood Buddha Relics ,2. Sisa (head) Buddha relic, 3. Golden Flesh Buddha relic, 4. Pearl Bone Buddha relic, 5. Buddha relic from Somdeach Tep Vong of Cambodia, and 6. Colourful Blood Buddha relics.
The Relics of the Arhants include-
1. A. Sariputta, 2. A. Moggalana, 3. A. Sivali, 4. A. Anurudha, 5. A. Bakula, 6. A. Upali, 7. A. Ananda, and 8. Dagon (Myanmar) .
Mr .Gagan Malik says the Courtesy of Mr Buntario Tigris Mr. Silakumaro Tonny Coason Meliana Chandra and Yani Lim ,Indonesia for the holy relics.
Dr.Sivanagireddy,Buddhist Expert Consultant,Buddhavanam says that Ven. Dr. Phra Ajahn Vician, Thailand, and Ven. Pannavara Mahathero, Indonesia, in the presence of Ms. Yani Lim , Ms. Meliana Chandra ,Ms. Ellen Oey ,Mr. Deffry Boy , Mr. Wiryanto Hertanto,Ms. Inggrid Setiadi ,Ms. Lidya Suparman, Ms. Lenny ,Ms. Meny Hu ,Ms. Edy Djohan,Ms. Tan Jauw Eng ,and Winna Chandra from Indonesia, Mr. Valentin Le,Mr. Michael Le , Ms. Thien Quang Ha from Germany, and Mr. Gagan Malik , Bollywood actor and President ,Gagan Malik ,foundation Mr. Siddartha Hattiambire and Ven Buddhaghosha from Mumbai and a good number of Buddhists from Gulbarga participated in the event.
Later ,the participants visited various segments of Buddhavanam. Ven.Sanghapala Bhikkhu and a few monks from Mahabodhi Buddha Vihara ,Mahendra Hills and Dr.Rajasekhar Undru ,IAS,Addl.Chief Secretary, Govt.of Haryana participated in the consecration ceremony.
K.Sudhanreddy,OSD ,Buddhavanam project,and over all incharge of the event made all the arrangements including the logistics and the ceremonial requirements. D.R.Shyamsundar Rao,Designs incharge, Md.Naziz, Asst.Engineer, and Ramkumar,Senior Asst of Buddhavanam, K.K . Raja, Lata-Raja Foundation,Paramdhamulu, President,Buddhist Society of India,TS wing ,Subhakar Medasani, Amaravathi Buddha Vihara, Vijayawada and Konda Laxmikanthareddy participated in the ceremony says Mallepalli Laxmaiah.